Saturday, January 22, 2011

Week 2 continued...

How do you see your role as a working professional in the future? (entrepreneur, employee, freelance, etc).

If I do end up going into interior design I see myself as an employee. Especially if my career path leads me toward interior design for hospitality and schools, it's nice to have a team of people that you can split the work between. From my observation, it seems like having a larger team when working on big projects is better because certain members have different specialties that apply to the various aspects that have to be considered when designing frequently used, specialized areas. Working with a team of people is also a lot more time effective and efficient because deadlines are constantly coming up. If I ever went into residential interior design I could see myself doing free lance work because homes are a lot smaller scale and only effect one, permanent client (opposed to constantly fluctuating number of students, hotel guests, employees, etc.).

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